Daily Dispatch: Meeting Our Unexpected Landlords and Preparing for Winter
0830: Supply run to a city behind the front lines to get our kitchen functional. The kitchen is very clean now. Cooked our first meal today. Topped up diesel for generator and vehicles. Today is the first day we feel as though our base is a home.
0930: Hit a local pharmacy to top up on more medicine for common colds and seasonal health issues. Purchased 325 bottles of water for refugees and a lot of Vaseline. Everyone we see and treat is extremely dry and cracked. They are dehydrated and dried out from the sun and wind.
1000: The owners of the house we moved into came to inspect their house today. We had the privilege of welcoming them back into their home for the first time since ISIS took it over 2 years ago. We are so glad our team has been able to clean it out and remove all of the remnants from ISIS before they saw it. The look on their face when they walked through the house and the huge hugs they gave was well worth the hours of scrubbing up blood and cleaning trash. We are so happy they will never have to see the way ISIS left it. We insisted that that they allow us to pay the rent immediately. They refused. And we will insist and rejoice that we can be a blessing to them in this way. We also received permission to renovate and beautify the house.
Some of the family members of the homeowners
1230: Met with the UN in neighboring village to discuss aid and IDP flow
1430: Met with MAG (Mine Action Group) about training our team in the basics in spotting IED's.
1700: Prepared one of our field medics for a shift on the fronline
2000: Scouted at the berm and dropped a medic off for a 24-48 hour shift.
Records for the day show we treated 25 Peshmerga soldiers in the clinic.